Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Latest update for Android SDK breaks for Ubuntu Karmic

If you have recently updated your Android SDK to R08 (Gingerbread, 2.3) on Linux and are using Ubuntu Karmic, chances are that you will not be able to run the emulator: It will simply die with the following error:

$ ./emulator
./emulator: /lib32/ version `GLIBC_2.11' not found (required by ./emulator)

This is caused by an incompatibility with Karmic's installed GLIBC - the new SDK/Emulator works just fine on Lucid.

The Android team is working on a fix - in the meantime, a workaround is to download the _r07 of the tools from here, and replace emulator in the tools/ folder under the android_sdk installation folder.

A bit hacky, but works.


  1. The link to the R7 release of tools does not exist. i.e. Get a not found error.

  2. ..... BUT I should also add that if you have, or can get a copy of the r7 release of the Android SDK, the fix describes works on Ubuntu Karmic as well as Open Suse 11.1. THANKS!

  3. My bad... forgot to add the -linux to the filename's URL.

    Try it now, it should work: if not, please ping me again and I'll figure it out, as I've just downloaded it from that link.

    Whilst I *could* post the .zip someplace, I would be extremely reluctant to do so; just don't want to cause more trouble than it would solve.

    Again apologies for confusion, it was late at night :-)

  4. Very good!!! The problem is fixed!! Thanks!!

  5. That worked! Thank you. Just wrote my first android app (Hello, Android) and that error was stopping me.

  6. Thanks it actually works.
    I have one more problem when I run any project it always shows a black screen having text "Android" written on it.
    After that no button of emulator work.
    Can you please help me?

  7. Hi Pc,

    can you please try and run the android tool and the emulator from within the console and see whether you get any error?
    I have never seen such a thing, but if you could please help with a more detailed explanation of what are you trying to do, what steps have you taken already and what error messages (if any) you see, that would allow us to help you out better.

    Also, I'm assuming you're running Linux? are you launching your project from within Eclipse? or using adb?

  8. Thanks. Actually problem was that emulator take a long time to load I was not waiting for that much time.Now that problem has been solved.

    Now everything is working fine but I am not able to see the output of System.out.println() statement.
    Can you help me in that?

  9. This worked great for me - I was ready to upgrade my entire system, just to run an emulator. Thanks a bunch!

  10. So glad everyone is finding this useful...

    On a somewhat ironic (but rather *not* funny) note, I had eventually to upgrade myself to Lucid as Karmic kindly decided it didn't quite like my HDD's partitions, and that it would have been fun to wipe them off...

  11. Fantastic! Worked a treat and I can code again! Thanks.

  12. Thanks for the informational post. Fixed it for me.

  13. Thanks!

    Disappointed by google however.

  14. thhanks man.. i sure hate it when u follow a tut but ur code still doesn't run.. thanks

  15. Thanks :)
    It really worked. This is a great help. Thanks a lot

  16. Thanks a lot.
    Faced same problem on RHEL 5 and your solution worked.

  17. đồng tâm
    game mu
    cho thuê nhà trọ
    cho thuê phòng trọ
    nhac san cuc manh
    số điện thoại tư vấn pháp luật miễn phí
    văn phòng luật
    tổng đài tư vấn pháp luật
    dịch vụ thành lập công ty trọn gói

    bên giám sát. Trên đình viện nghỉ mát ở giữa hồ, Cố Độc Hành lù lù bất động đứng khoanh tay trước ngực, ánh mắt lạnh băng như đao kiếm đảo vòng quan sát xung quanh.

    Hắn vẫn đứng như vậy ở nơi đó không nhúc nhích, nhưng lại khiến bầu không khí xung quanh hồ Lưu Thúy lạnh lẽo giống như tiến vào cuối thu.

    Ở phía dưới lương đình vô cùng ngổn ngang lộn xộn. Nhìn kỹ thì hóa ra là hơn mười người bị ném ở chỗ đó, tuy không phải là thi thể nhưng cũng là nửa chết nữa sống rồi. Nguyên một đám người kiệt sức rên rỉ, nhưng không ai dám mắng thành tiếng.

    Có một vị nhân huynh thanh âm rên rỉ hơi lớn một chút, lập tức Cố Độc Hành bên trên đình nghỉ mát nhướng mày, lạnh lùng quát: “Om sòm!”


    Nửa miếng mái ngói từ trên trời giáng xuống, đánh chuẩn xác vào vị trí bị thương nơi cái chân cụt của người này, vì vậy tạo thành một trận thanh âm rêm rỉ đau đớn truyền ra. Người đó muốn kêu đau nhưng lại không dám kêu thành tiếng, đành thống khổ cảm nhận sự đau đớn cùng cực trong lòng.
